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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Afterlife and Rebirth... Belief/Disbelief

The Hindu religion (ofcourse many other religions/dharmas too) tell us that we will have rebirth and afterlife scenarios. Let me start topic with what I think... I do not believe that we will be reborn.Yeah I proudly say that "I do not believe in any of this stuff". Let me tell you a little preface before letting you know what I think.

Humans, in their life time, are prone to do many sins. 50% of the sins are done knowingly and the remaining 50% wantedly :-P
When I was young I was made believe that we have to be truthful and should never commit any sins. We should not hurt others, cheat people, hurt people, animals, birds and infact trees and also not to disturb the serenity of nature. But as a child you would have asked WHY??? The reply, generally would be, coz god will punish you for your sins. And we believe that a super power will take care of all these things and punish us in after life.

My understanding of this over these years is, there is no such power as god or goddess. Its a belief created by our previous generations to maintain a peaceful environment. Let me explain you in detail about this...

What if, our government says there is no fine if you jump signals or no punishment if you commit crime? Dont you do these things??? Yes you will (Might not be everyone, but many of us will). You will break the signals, cheat people, commit crimes and what not. But to make this society a good place to live, our government has made a rule book for us and asked us to follow it. Else you will be punished. As you would be afraid of getting caught and being punished, you would avoid risk and will try to follow the rule book. That's the reason things are going a little fine and we are able to live in this society. Likewise, in olden days, there is no proper government or controlling bodies to take care of all these stuff. So to avoid hazzeles, our elders created a super power and forced us to believe that there is a super power called god and made us believe that he is watching you 24/7. So as he notices all the things we do and will punish us for our crimes, we avoided doing the so called mistakes/sins/crimes. Due to this people would never tried to harm others and the social life continued peacefully. This was the reason, that we had less quarrels and less crime rate in the olden days compared to what we have now.


Anything that is not acceptable socially or the elders doesn't like and do not have explanation for it, they have termed those things as SINs. So we were always told that, if we commit sins, next birth would be disgusting... I was once told that based on your sins, your next birth would be decided. If your sins are more, you will reborn as a pig or a dog or a leech or something else. In the good olden days, the control system is not much strong due to lack of technology and administration. So to control all anti-social elements, the introduction of GOD, After birth, rebirth took place. People bought the idea and were afraid to commit sins. How I see this is, I don't care, as I wont get affected. What to know how??? Heres how...

Let us assume that there is really the concept of Afterlife and Rebirth. It implies that you were judged in hell or heaven and might got punished for your sins, which you never remembered or will know. So no point of worrying about Afterlife. And also if you believe in these, it implies that you were reborn many times. But as you dont remember what you had to go through in the previous birth, what difference does it make??? Did you ever see those animals??? They too dont remember anything about their previous birth and dont cry saying that "I was MJ and born as a monkey now. I was Saddam and now I am born like a pig in Pakistan". As long as you don't recall your previous, you won't fret. So even if you are born as a dog or a cat, you just live your life as a dog and die as a dog. So I say it doesn't really matter... 

As the people now started knowing about science and human birth secrets, they started realizing that there might not be any super power called God, and so they do not have to fear that someone is watching them all the time or about sins they are committing. Now they are ready to take risk and commit crimes whenever they are not monitored. Thats the reason for crime rate increase and the non-existent social activities started.

So as there is no God, there is not hell or heaven and no Afterlife or Rebirth. Feel free to commit the so called sins and be happy about it... Live life to the fullest... 

1 comment:

sarah said...

The govertnment can wash off their hands by saying "God is watching" but they wont do that too :P