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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Lessons for success

Start going and Keep winning
Start your day off by completing small tasks like making your bed. It would seem to be pretty mundane but it will give you a sense of accomplishment and will make you prepared for achieving big tasks for the rest of the day. 

Seek someone to help you paddle the tough waters.
It might seem silly sometimes but you can always reach out for help. Friends, family, colleagues anyone for that matter. You can always ask for help when you are in need. This will help you accomplish those tough tasks. Choose wisely who you reach for help. It does matter.  

Measure a person by the size of their heart, not the size of their flippers.
Never judge a person by caste, creed, race or by his physical ability. You might be completely wrong if you do so. In your journey of life, you come across many people, judging too quickly will make you loose great opportunity of knowing great human beings. In turn, it will become difficult for you to achieve your goals. 
Get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward. 
There are times when you just want to keep doing the same things and be a sugar cookie. As the saying goes "When going gets tough, the tough gets going". Keep moving forward in adverse times and you would never have to look back. Never let self pity rule your mind. It kills your creativity, attitude and the zeal to achieve your goal.  

Don’t be afraid of failures.
If you want to succeed, don't be afraid of those small failures that come your way. Instead stay strong and look forward. Stay focused and be ready to face the challenges. As it is always proved "Failure is the stepping stone for success". Learn from your failures and be diligent and never commit the same mistakes again. 

Sometimes you have to slide down the obstacle head first.
Yes, you need to slide down the obstacle head first. Not always but you need to take your chances. You cannot keep on doing the same thing and expect different results. To go face to face with an obstacle, you need to gather your strength and might. Improve your skills, have your plan in place. Proceed with all the force you have got. Be prepared and be genuine. Work had and attack the problem.  
Don’t back down from the sharks.
In our professional and personal life, we come across many Sharks, ready to attack and pull us down. Never back down. Don't be afraid to face them as long as you are ethical and honest. Do what is expected of you. Give 100% of what you do. Facing them and being bold will get you new strength and will make you win many battle that are ahead.   

If you want to win, you must be your very best in the darkest moment.
There would be times, you know for sure, that you lost your way and no help would get you back on track. You would feel that everything and everyone is against you. Time seems racing against you and you are losing the game. You would be dejected and feel lonely. Beaten and on your knees. Don't give up. Never lose your focus. Be calm. Save your energy, jump to your feet and give it your best shot. Being honest to oneself would give enough strength to start. Always be prepared for such situations. You never know when you mettle would be tested. Being prepared will make you ready for these moments. 

Start singing when you’re up to your neck in mud.
Being unafraid and keeping your focus on the things at hand when in bad shape, will give you enough time and will lead to take quality decisions. Worrying unnecessarily and creating more troubles for self and others is not an option. Be focused on clearing the clutter that gets piled up in your mind and keep working towards your goal. This will give you enough strength to cruise forward. Sing when you are in neck deep mud. 

Don’t ever, ever ring the bell.
Do not ever desert yourself. Never let the idea of quitting conquer your heart. Never let yourself down. Stand your ground. Stay strong and replace the negative thoughts of quitting with positive thoughts of winning. Being strong in adverse situations will show you the real "YOU". 

*Inspired by the speech of Naval Adm. William H. McRaven at University of Texas.

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